Privacy Policy

"Please be advised", "It is essential to carefully and thoroughly peruse this Legal Disclaimer (hereinafter referred to as the 'Disclaimer') before utilizing the ChatBoo mobile application (hereinafter referred to as the 'App'), which is operated and maintained by ChatBoo Media (hereinafter referred to as 'ChatBoo,' 'we,' 'us,' or 'our'). By electing to access and utilize the App, you are hereby expressly acknowledging your consent and agreement to be irrevocably bound by the terms and conditions established forthwith in this Disclaimer. In the event that you find yourself in opposition to or disagreement with any component of this Disclaimer, you are obligated and required to abstain from utilizing the App in any capacity.

"Minimum Age Requirements", "As a prerequisite to use the App, it is compulsory for users to have attained a minimum age of no less than 4 years old. By utilising the App, you are hereby asserting, covenanting, and warranting that you have achieved an age of no less than 4 years. In situations where a user's age is found to be below the required minimum of 4 years, said user is categorically and unequivocally prohibited from using the App under any and all circumstances. We reserve the exclusive right to rescind and terminate your access to the App with immediate effect in the event that we become cognizant of a violation of the aforementioned age requirement.

"Adherence to Applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations", "You hereby undertake and covenant to consistently conform with all prevailing and relevant local, national, and international laws, rules, and regulations while availing yourself of the App. Furthermore, you explicitly agree to desist from employing the App for any illicit or unauthorized purposes. You are solely accountable for your conduct and any data, text, information, usernames, graphics, photos, profiles, links, and other content or materials that you submit, post, or display on or through the App.

"User-generated Content", "You are solely responsible and liable for the content you create, disseminate, or otherwise make accessible through the App, inclusive of any interactions or dialogues with bots developed within the App. You expressly concur that you will abstain from submitting, posting, or displaying any content that may be construed as offensive, defamatory, obscene, harassing, threatening, abusive, or otherwise in violation of any applicable law, regulation, or the rights of other parties.

"License Grant", "By submitting, posting, or displaying any form of content on or through the App, you are hereby granting us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license to employ, reproduce, disseminate, prepare derivative works of, exhibit, and perform the content in connection with the App and ChatBoo Media's (and our successors' and affiliates') business, inclusive but not limited to promoting, augmenting, and redistributing the App (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels. You additionally acknowledge and hereby consent that we may share your content with third parties for diverse purposes, including but not limited to the ideation and development of novel products or services.

"Utilization of Conversations", "We expressly reserve the unmitigated and unqualified right to employ, preserve, and analyze any and all conversations that you may engage in with bots created within the App for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to enhancing our products and services, coaching and instructing machine learning models, marketing and advertising initiatives, and merchandising or authorizing the data to third parties. By utilizing the App, you are thereby providing your unequivocal and explicit consent to our acquisition, preservation, and usage of your conversation data for the aforementioned purposes.

"Limitation of Liability", "In no event or circumstance shall ChatBoo Media, its affiliates, directors, employees, agents, or licensors be held liable for any form of indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, which may include but are not limited to, diminution of profits, loss or impairment of data, loss or impairment of use, loss or impairment of goodwill, or any other intangible losses which may result from your access to or usage of, or inability to access or use, the App or any content, whether predicated upon warranty, contractual arrangements, tortious acts (including lapses in diligence), or any other theory of law, irrespective of whether or not we have been apprised of the potentiality of such damage, and even in cases where a remedy set forth herein is deemed to have failed its intended purpose.

"Google User Data", "In the event that you elect to authenticate or access the App through Google's federated login system, we may collect and process certain information associated with your Google account, including but not limited to your email address and name. The email address you provide will be utilised exclusively for the purposes of authentication and facilitating payment flows within the App, where applicable. Your name will be employed solely for the purpose of personalisation within the App to enhance and customise your user experience. We hereby covenant and warrant that any Google user data collected will be accessed exclusively through Google's sanctioned and secure federated login system. Furthermore, we undertake to store and safeguard such data with the utmost level of security, employing industry-standard practices and robust encryption measures within our Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. We categorically affirm that we will not share, disclose, or disseminate any Google user data to third parties under any circumstances, barring legally mandated disclosures or express user consent.

By authenticating or accessing the App through Google's federated login system, you hereby acknowledge and consent to our collection, usage, storage, and protection of your Google user data in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy and in full compliance with Google's applicable policies and requirements."

"Alterations to the Disclaimer", "We expressly reserve the exclusive right, at our sole discretion and volition, to modify, amend, or replace this Disclaimer at any juncture and occasion. In the event that a modification or revision is deemed material in nature, we will provide reasonable notice prior to the enforcement and application of any new terms or conditions. What constitutes a material change will be determined in accordance with our sole and exclusive discretion. By electing to continue accessing or utilizing the App subsequent to the implementation and enforcement of any revisions, you hereby consent and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions encapsulated within this revised Disclaimer. In scenarios where you do not concur with and consent to the altered or modified Disclaimer, you are obligated to cease and desist from using the App."

Contact information:

If you would like to contact us to understand more about this Policy or wish to contact us concerning any matter relating to individual rights and your Personal Information, you may send an email to